7 Hospitality Management (7H) have been appointed as the hotel management company for The Brander Lodge Hotel and Bistro, Scotland.

The 21-bed hotel with lodgings, is idyllically set in the Bridge of Awe, Taynuilt – a short 20 minutes from Oban.

Hugely popular for weddings, private events and leisure breaks The Brander Lodge owners have invested in a recent refurbishment of the property with future plans to develop further.


Head of Brand and Marketing, Conner Harvey commented:

The Brander Lodge Hotel  is a wonderful addition to our hotel portfolio and we’re delighted to be adding this picturesque destination venue to the mix.’



Hotel website: www.branderlodge.com

7 Hospitality Management website: www.7hospitality.co.uk

7 Hospitality Management (UK) Ltd is a Scottish based hotel and hospitality management company managing both branded and unbranded hotels in the UK.

For further details, please contact Conner Harvey, Head of Brand and Marketing.
